Stay Tuned
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Thursday, February 24, 2011

Today's Column: When Telling the Truth Hurts

I really hate giving bad reviews to things—especially when I’m so sure I’m going to love it. But I wouldn’t be a very good columnist if I didn’t tell the truth, whether good or bad.

If you’ve read my “Stay Tuned” column in today’s “Herald-Dispatch” you know that I didn’t like “All-Star Superman,” the newest DC Universe original animated movie. It made me so sad to admit that I actually thought of writing the column about something else just so I wouldn’t have to tell you.

But late Tuesday night, my column made me even sadder as I learned that the writer of “All-Star Superman,” Dwayne McDuffie, had unexpectedly passed away Monday. I actually became physically ill when I thought about how I had trashed a man’s final work.

Now I know that when I wrote my column late Monday night that I had no idea that McDuffie had died since it had not been reported yet. And again, I was just telling the truth, but still…

I would like to say for the record that even though I didn’t like “All-Star Superman,” I still respected McDuffie and his work. And my thoughts are absolutely with his family and his colleagues…