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Thursday, June 11, 2009

The End of "Best Week Ever"?

There had been some buzz on the Internet that VH1 was cancelling “Best Week Ever With Paul F. Tompkins.” reported that the show is taking an extended hiatus after this week and will return in January 2010 with a possible second retooling.

Today, Paul F. Tompkins twittered these three tweets:

“So you know: VH1 is taking Best Week Ever off the air until 2010. Tomorrow night is the last Best Week Ever of 2009.”

“And, in the absence of any word to the contrary from VH1, it's safe to assume the very last Best Week Ever with Paul F. Tompkins.”

“Thanks to everyone who stayed with Best Week Ever with me as the host. Please watch tomorrow night. I am not taking questions. Thank you.”

I’d say that retooling is a definite, wouldn’t you?

Personally, I like Tompkins, and I always thought he was funny on “Week” when he was just one of the commentators. But as the host, he just didn’t work. I realize VH1 was trying to find its own “The Soup,” but Tompkins is no Joel McHale…

The final “Best Week Ever With Paul F. Tompkins” airs Friday, June 12th at 11 p.m. on VH1…

Photo Credit: VH1