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Tuesday, September 25, 2007

"Heroes": Have I Just Gotten Too Cynical?

If you’ve been reading the comments, you already know that I thought last night’s premiere of “Heroes” was boring. But why?

Did last season’s finale really leave me that cynical? Or maybe it was because I had read all of the episode’s surprises in next week’s “TV Guide.”

Or maybe it was just that boring…

Let’s face it. There’s A LOT on pressure on “Heroes.” It’s on the cover of EVERY magazine, it was all the rage at Comic-Con, and it’s the greatest hope for an entire network…

So nothing was going to live up to all of that hype. Still, last night’s premiere just didn’t seem to have the same spark that last year’s did. And from everything that I’ve been reading, it looks like I’m not alone in that thinking…

Warning: If you haven’t seen the season premiere of “Heroes,” stop reading now…

There are very few shows that command my attention so completely that I don’t take my eyes off the TV. I’m usually always doing something else while I’m watching. Therefore, I hate subtitles. Therefore, I hated three of the stories on last night’s show. It was bad enough when we had to follow the subtitles for Hiro’s story alone, but last night added two new heroes that require subtitles and we had to have subtitles for Kaito and Ando. It was highly annoying. And since none of them were really saying anything that important, completely unnecessary…

And why should we care about Hiro and his hero? I know it’s supposed to provide some comic relief and that it will probably tie in with everything down the road, I just couldn’t get myself to care…

The new murder mystery should be interesting, yet somehow it isn’t. Maybe it’s because the characters are people we don’t really know that well yet, so we don’t care that they die and we don’t care that someone wants to kill them.

Maybe I really have gotten cynical…

There’s also an originality problem. This new virus storyline is totally out of the pages of “X-Men”…

But for me, it’s always been about HRG (Yes, I know his name is Noah, but I don’t like that.) and he was in fine form last night. Just when we thought he had totally become a family man, he goes all Jack Bauer on his supervisor. And we learned that he is working with Mohinder to bring The Company down from the inside.

I just wish they hadn’t used him to pimp Nissans. That was a little pathetic…

Last year, I couldn’t get enough of the show. But now I feel like I could take it or leave it.

I’ll give it another week, or possibly two. But if I don’t start seeing the spark that was obvious from the beginning last year, I’ll have to cross another one off my list…