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Saturday, July 21, 2007

The "Traveler" Finale: A Little Too Familiar

I promised you the finale of “Traveler” would be wild and it was; but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t disappointed…

Since the episode was completed before the show was cancelled, I knew we wouldn’t get all the answers, but it would have been nice if the answers we did get had made more sense…

And it would have been nice if it all hadn’t seemed so familiar…

Apparently, the bombing of the Drexler building was meant to destroy the painting of the Declaration of Independence because it revealed a secret fourth branch of the government, which was somehow connected to the organization that Will worked for.

Did that make sense to you?...

The episode was filled with lots of action, incriminating tape recordings, agency moles, and lots of talk about illegal activities for the good of the country. I almost checked my DVD player to make sure I wasn’t watching the fifth season of “24.”

I said “Traveler” was a “24” clone. I guess they took that to heart…

I had really hoped we’d get a twist in the mole story and it wouldn’t be Chambers—who I had suspected since the first episode. But it was him and we lost Borjes in the process, which was a real shame since Anthony Ruvivar was really starting to click in the role…

The cliffhangers, though, did make up for some of the confusion as Marlow discovered that Chambers was a mole and Freed and the evidence exonerating Jay and Tyler was destroyed in a bomb (Too bad Jay and Tyler didn’t watch that fifth season of “24,” or they would’ve known to make a copy of the evidence.).

The show’s creator has promised to tell us what we would have seen in season two on his blog. I hope he also explains what we saw in season one…